BARO-DEC LIMITED currently employs professional (chartered engineer) and support personnel. The size of the firm is maintained so that the principles directly and actively participate in all aspects of a project: from research to conceptual design through the implementation and completion. Our team of qualified professional and trade engineers (with 22 years working experience and above) is committed to providing the highest level of expertise and services. Using fully computerized state of the art techniques and equipment, our team will furnish you with designs which are not only usually appealing but cost effective and enduring.

In order to motivate our staff to ultimate performance, we have created an organization with which members can identify in which they share a sense of pride and to which they are willing to commit. Collectively and individually, the group has had a hand in a large number of innovative and impressive projects within the country.

Baro-dec is a professionally managed company and a good employer of labor. The company is well structured and maintains the highest standards of integrity and probity in her dealings with customers. She takes her social responsibilities serous and participates actively in social and developmental programmes for the upliftment of her immediate environment.

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